This is a picture of what the houses looked like in DC. It is also a picture of my car.
Notice how both of the the pictures are on the road? That is because that is all we got to see of the D.C. the next day. I drove around for almost two hours trying to find parking. I almost went up a wrong way street twice and I never knew which way to turn. There were signs that would tell you to go one way but only during certain hours. My GPS would tell me to go left but there would be two or three lefts at an intersection. After being lost for two hours with a GPS I started crying and Eva and I decided to go home.
So Eva and I used a tank and a half a gas, drove for over ten hours, and got a hotel room and all we got to experience was one museum (which was a GREAT, jaw dropping museum) and the streets of D.C. oh ya! We also got to see a lot of scary homeless dudes and trash all over streets. By the time we got home I was feeling a little sheepish but it was still a fun adventure!